Your happy place

Name :Alvarendra Kayven
Age :24+
Available for :BxB, BxG, BxNon-Binary
Preferences :Pansexual
Position :Strictly Dominant
Love Languange :Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service
Gender and Pronouns :Non-Binary, He/Him
Languange :Indonesian, Javanese and English (not fluent)
Side Face Claim :Kim Mingyu SEVENTEEN, Choi San ATEEZ, Lee Juyeon THE BOYZ, Lee Hangyul BAE173, Iqbaal Ramadhan
Platform :Telegram, Kakaotalk, Line dan Twitter

He goes by the name Alvarendra Kayven. Rendra or Kay for short, or do you want to call him ‘babe’? Just kidding... unless? Okay, so here is a thing or two about him.Some said he’s intimidating at first. But don’t worry because when you get to know him better, he’s indeed a warm and humorous person. His love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service. Tell him stories, he’ll be honored to listen to it. Seriously, tell him about anything; your daily rants, career or study plans, and your secret little dreams, perhaps?He also loves to pamper and spoil their partner. Watch out, they’re a sweet talker! As if their personal dictionary is made of sweet words only, he’ll make you blush by the way he talks. And speaking of his favorites, he actually likes all genres of music and movies. He can adjust your taste and be a good partner to discuss it.So, trust him to be your companion?


─ Berlaku untuk CA, BA, FA, RP─ Free request face claim hanya untuk Side face claim, BTS members, SEVENTEEN members, ATEEZ members, dan TREASURE members. Diluar daripada itu masuk adds-onNSFW hanya untuk clients yang sudah legal─ Dimohon untuk memberikan feedback berupa testi setelah masa rent selesai.— Please respect my privacy as i respect yours


Saya akan memberikan seluruh afeksi dan perhatian saya selama masa rent berlangsung dan apabila kamu ingin spam chat atau bubbly saya amat sangat tidak masalah karena saya senang mendapatkan spam chat dari orang terkasih saya. Sangat amat boleh untuk menyampaikan kritik, saran atau nasihat kepada saya secara langsung selama masa rent. Saya nocturnal sehingga saya tentu amat siap untuk menemani kamu hingga larut malam. Seluruh informasi pribadi clients dan talents tidak akan disebarluaskan, sehingga rahasia akan terjamin aman.


Harap mengerti saya akan late reply pada pagi-sore hari di hari weekdays dikarenakan pekerjaan (rentang waktu membalas pesan 1-30 menit apabila lebih akan diberitahukan). Saya tidak bisa memberikan sapaan di pagi hari tetapi sangat diperbolehkan apabila clients ingin memberikan sapaan. Saya tidak melayani VN/OTP/PAP Wajah RL. Selama masa rent saya harap tidak ada Silent Treatment or Bad mouthing behind my back segala masalah yang terjadi di antara kita saya harap dapat diselesaikan secara bersama-sama dan apabila kamu sedang tidak dalam mood untuk berbalas pesan harap beritahu saya.


Rp. 10.000 /day
Rp. 27.000 /3 days
Rp. 67.000 /weeks
Rp. 13.000 /day
Rp. 36.000 /3 days
Rp. 88.000 /weeks


Rp. 22.000 /day
Rp. 63.000 /3 days
Rp. 150.000 /weeks
Rp. 28.000 /day
Rp. 81.000 /3 days
Rp. 193.000 /weeks

SFW HOURLY:Rp 5.000 /hour ( only from 22.00 WIB )
NSFW HOURLY:Rp 6.500 /hour ( only from 22.00 WIB )
Reguler : Include free services ( only 3 cust / day / all platform )
VIP SFW : Include free service and staying up untill 02.00 WIB ( only one cust/day, one platform )
VIP NSFW : Include free service, imagine and staying up late untill 03.00 WIB ( only one cust/day, one platform )
VVIP : Include all on vip free one adds on (bebas pilih), no work hours ( only one cust/day all platform )


Rp. 7.000 /day
Rp. 19.000 /3 days
Rp. 46.000 /weeks


Rp. 10.000 /day
Rp. 27.000 /3 days
Rp. 67.000 /weeks

Request pet name
Request typing
Request face claim (untuk member Seventeen, Ateez, BTS dan Treasure)
Put Name on bio : Rp 4.000 /day
Req face claim : Rp 4.000 /session
Game date : Rp 4.000 /hour (plato only)
Music date : Rp 5.000 /hour (spotify)
PDA : Rp 4.000 /day
Movie date : Rp 5.000 /hour
Staying up late : Rp 4.000 /hour
Plotting : Rp. 4.000 /plot
Food date : bills on clients
